Does hindsight count if you're still looking over your shoulder? Brighton-based trio I'm Being Good's latest release, Mountain Language, begins with a languid resolve, like a con-man talking too quiet on purpose, trying to draw you in. 'Steal The Mind Logo' stacks up melodic non-sequiturs and loose-limbed insouciance, with a cumulative insistence that ends up sounding like the smart-aleck's regret: the price of knowing you were right all along. Then it's the crunch of angles and intersecting planes; the hum of power-tools; the implacable tanks rolling over a field of endless skulls. 'Horse Goes Ape' reveals the weightless drift inside these cold machines, huge indoor dungeons containing multitudes, marching armies with Mobius -strip engines crawling on point. Guess what? You're driving. The title track takes you into lowest gear as you negotiate tortuous foothills. When the pliers come out, you remember it only takes one good yank to get a tooth out. But, hey, they still want you to have fun, though it pains them to admit it. Welcome to the 'NanoParty.' Sure, he's screaming but just feel the bounce. 'Escape With Stumps' is your long walk of shame with bleeding gums and a bottle of stolen milk. You wind up by the sea, of course. 'Deep House' is where the albatross ends his days, wheeling, gliding in corkscrews, perching, finally, on the crown of a copper-green statue rising jagged from the sands. Damn you all to hell. (Daniel Spicer)
Artwork by Andrew Clare.
Pressing Information
1000 CDs.
International Distribution
Australia - Rocket
Benelux - Suburban
Canada - F.A.B.
Finland - Supersounds
France - Differ-ant
Germany - Cargo Records
Italy - Goodfellas
Spain - Popstock
New Zealand - Southbound
Scandinavia - Border
United States - Red Eye and Forced Exposure